
Exploring the Basics of the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

The first step to a truly enriching study of the Bible is understanding its origins, purpose and necessity. This introductory book explores—and answers—important questions that many wonder about: Who wrote the Bible? How was it written? Why should I believe in this antiquated book? What about its contradictions and problems? It concludes with vital chapters on Bible study helps and methods and a...

The Book of Genesis records how God created mankind in His own image and likeness. One of God’s purposes was that Adam should have contact and communion with Him. It is clear from the account that God did care for Adam, talk with him, and give him commands. For the most high God to speak with people in this way was a wonderful revelation of God’s word, His being, and His will. After the sin of Adam and Eve, God could indeed have cast them off. They had deliberately disobeyed;
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